Living with the land. Magic in the mundane. homesteading as a way of being. sacred rest in every moment.

You Enjoy Life represents a way to live life in joy, in presence, in truth.

beyond the false constructs and in harmony with the rhythms and natural order of nature.

Surrendering to the great mystery of life.

It’s more of a shedding than a becoming. Letting go of what was to be with what is. Where we can rest into the organic unfolding of life. It is the magic in the mundane. A deep connection to the land you inhabit. The food and water that nourishes you. And the people and other beings that surround you.


  • 1:1 Sessions

    Want to work with Aja or Yoshua one on one? Learn more about their personalized offerings which include; intuitive nurture sessions, life consulting, restorative breathwork, mindful eating, and more.

  • Personal Sacred Rest Retreats

    Whether you are wanting deep integration for all of the healing work you have done, a spacious container to just ‘be’ in nature, or support in shedding the layers of the false self and designing a life that reflects your authentic nature, these customized retreats offer a sanctuary to see clearly. Held on our beautiful 5-acre homestead, nestled against the foothills in Boulder, CO.

  • Upcoming In-Person Events

    Join us at our homestead where we teach a variety of land based and mindful skills. From intuitive sourdough classes, foraging, medicine making and ceremonial containers for sacred rest, we offer access points so you can get more connected to these ancient ways of living.

About Aja Rose and Yoshua

Aja's healing journey started at the age of 6 with the onset of daily chronic migraines, which spanned over 20 years. After growing up subject to Western medicine, she hit rock bottom in college and made the choice to embark on a personal healing journey that took her around the world and into many different alternative modalities. After moving beyond the migraines she has continued to offer a space for others to rest from their own challenges and find transformation through their daily life.

Aja is passionate about supporting others to trust in their own wisdom and find solace within.  The nourishing container she holds is one of freedom, presence, and allowance of what is.  She is passionate about an ever evolving philosophy of ‘Sacred Rest’.  This deep rest occurs on all levels of our being, and allows any false narratives and identities to fall away, where we can truly ‘rest’ into beingness.

She feels most alive being surrounded by beauty, mostly through nature, ceremony, and co-created music. She has throughly enjoyed her newest chapter as a mother to their daughter Amiya.

Instagram: _sacredrest_

After moving to Brooklyn to pursue a life as a musician and rock star, Yoshua fell into a terrible depression, lost his way and began feeling as though life was empty and meaningless, even considered ending it all. Through a weird and wonderful twist of fate, he fell upon a series of teachings that showed him that he wasn’t crazy but rather starting to wake up to the true nature of reality. He saw that he wasn’t depressed, but was experiencing a deep inner state of rest (deep-rest), his soul desperately seeking a break from the character he had been playing. Having nearly no previous understanding of the “spiritual path,” and only a desire to burn all that was false to the ground, he began shedding all of the lies and conditioned beliefs holding him in fear and began to see what it meant to live life in tune with clarity and truth—in harmony with all. 

As life is often filled with surprises, the universe began pointing Yoshua in a rather interesting direction which led him to creating an alternative cooking show with his brother and getting signed to a major TV deal where he traveled the world and went on adventures cooking for celebrities. Excited by these new possibilities but feeling conflicted to be amongst a world of wealth and corporate greed, Yoshua began seeing the character he was creating to deal with it all and after seven years of garnering a success he had never dreamed of, he (metaphorically speaking) burnt the house down and was finally free of any perceived self and began focusing on the work he has been doing for the last many years—guiding others that have already woken up from the matrix and supporting them to live life beyond fear.

For the past ten years Yoshua has also studied the ancient art of sound healing and has been guiding people to unlock their innate musical gifts and experience music as a form of connection and vibrational healing. He hosts song circles as a way to bring about connection amongst fellow humans and has been creating improvised music with one of his favorite bands Yaima, and has performed with them on a number of occasions. He also teaches people how to develop a clear and conscious relationship to the foods they consume and how mindful eating can support all areas of your life. He hasn’t worn shoes in three years and can’t get enough of telling people about the glorious benefits of living a more barefoot forward life. Yoshua has studied a variety of different healing practices and resonates mostly with Zen Buddhism and Non-Duality as he has seen how they can help anyone make sense of all aspects of life and live in the present, creating a life of your own design.

He has written a series of 5 books that delve into the simple concept of taking off the false self to uncover who you really are through a variety of mediums—cooking, music, mindful conversations and living barefoot. Yoshua is merely a reflection of what is possible when you live outside of fear, connected to all the gloriousness that is. From this place there are no levels of hierarchy, no destination to get to, from this place all makes perfect sense when we realize who we truly are. 
