Sacred Rest 3-month integration journey

This container is customized for the inner season you are in, and the intentions that feel most resonate. Whether you are wanting to integrate and rest from the healing journey, learn to embody the art of rest, or just simply be held in loving presence to allow space for whatever is wanting to shift, this journey is designed to meet you where you are.


  • 6 Intuitive Nurture Sessions (combination of Yin Breathwork, hands-on Reiki, channeled song, herbal plants, Yoga Nidra, etc). *Can also be done as breathwork sessions virtually.

  • Overnight Retreat at the You Enjoy Life Homestead

  • Customized Meditation

Sacred Rest

Overnight retreat

A beautiful opportunity to immerse in the energy of nature, rest, music, homegrown food, and simple living. We love to invite people into our everyday lives, and allow the space for the emergence of what is present. We have found this approach to have the greatest sustained impact. We simply offer a glimpse into one way of living, not trying to promote it as ‘the way’.

We value living a life that is deeply connected to the land we inhabit, the food and water we consume, and the living beings that live close by. Our homestead offers different possibilities for what it looks like to grow food, raise animals (currently goats, chickens, ducks, and rabbits), play music, take in the sunrise and sunsets, walk barefoot, and sync up with the natural rhythms of nature.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • This style is beneficial for all levels, whether you are an experienced practicioner, or have never done any kind of breathwork. Aja meets you exactly where you are.

    More details on Yin Breathwork:

    After spending many years facilitating a more active/yang style called circular-connected breathing, I found it did not resonate anymore for many reasons. After a year long training with Kathleen Barrett of Restorative Breathwork, I have incorporated many aspects of her style with other parts of my own journey into the breath. It is a deeply feminine approach that creates space for the intelligence within the breath to organically unwind tensions, integrate repressed emotions, and access deep states of stillness. It works at a pace that the nervous system can integrate as well, so the shifts are sustainable.

  • I hold these sessions in our outdoor healing hut, a private sanctuary with surrounding mountain views. There is a mattress pad on the ground where I will be sitting next to you. A wood burning stove keeps it cozy in the colder months.

  • These sessions allow space and trust for the wisdom of the moment. It is a space to feel loved and held as you are, without any energy of trying to fix, heal or improve. We will both give loving presence to whatever is wanting to be seen and supported.

    I usually weave in different forms of guidance and loving touch/energy work. I also love to bring in plant allies such as rose, tulsi, pine, marigold, yarrow, etc. I almost always offer some kind of body scan to support in deeply relaxing, along with natural smokes like sweetgrass or pine resin to help purify and offer blessings. We can incorporate as much or as little breath guidance that feels resonate.

  • You can read more about our offerings, the land, and the food on our Sacred Rest retreat page.

  • The modalities I have trained in are:

    • Rebirthing Breathwork with Chandra Polyak (200 hours)

    • Clarity Breathwork with Dana Delong and Ashana Solaris (300 hours)

    • Restorative Breathwork with Kathleen Barratt (300 hours)

    • Hierarchy of Movement with Norman Allard (2018-present)

    • Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage with Gilles Marin

    • Usui Reiki / Womb Aquatic Reiki with Eliza Stephen

  • We can condense the arc into 6 weeks (1 session per week), or spread it out to 6 months (1 session per month). There is flexibility on when you want to book your retreat.