1:1 Sessions

Yoshua’s 1:1 Sessions:

  • Homesteading consulting and Personalized classes

  • You enjoy life guidance and support

  • social media consulting

Aja’s 1:1 Sessions:

  • Yin Breathwork

  • Sacred Rest 3-Month Integration Journey

  • Customized Meditations

Learn More Below

While we love collaborating to blend our gifts in honoring both the masculine and feminine, we also offer individual guidance and support. Our offerings come in many forms—explore below to learn more.

Personal Guidance & consulting with Yoshua

Homesteading consulting

Learn how to start living a homesteading lifestyle no matter what your living situation is ~ everything from cooking, fermentation/preservation, raising animals, etc. Yoshua teaches private classes around sourdough bread making, fermentation, preservation, and more. Rates start at $150/hr.

You Enjoy Life guidance

These sessions are customized based on the person and are focused around ~ guidance and life support, mindful eating and cooking, music activations, and ceremonial cannabis work. Yoshua doesn’t claim to be any sort of coach or healer but over the years lots of people have requested to work with him one on one as a way to have guidance and reflection. This world can feel wild and weird and Yoshua has found mindful ways of navigating what it means to live outside of the matrix when so many others seem to be stuck asleep within it. Receive guidance on living outside of the matrix and beyond the limitations of the conditioned false self. Rates start at $150/hr.

Social Media Consulting

Yoshua has spent the last decade garnering a following of over 2 million on various platforms such as Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok. He supports people in sharing their offerings online authentically in a way that is sustainable and enjoyable. Yoshua has worked with some of the biggest online content creators in the world as well as smaller more niche creators and finds joy in helping others share their message clearly.

Email Yoshua to book a session at youenjoylifemusic@gmail.com

Private sessions with aja

Yin Breathwork

This restorative style of breathwork is meant to work at the pace of the nervous system, allowing any shifts to fully integrate. Instead of layering on a specific ‘technique’, Aja offers intuitive guidance and presence for the natural wisdom in the breath to organically unwind tensions, and access more subtle layers of Prana.

3-month sacred rest integration journey

This deeper container is perfect for anyone wanting to integrate transformations from other inner work, or anyone who is wanting to embody more simplicity, spaciousness, and rest into their daily lives. It includes 6 sessions and an overnight retreat in Boulder, CO at the You Enjoy Life Homestead.

customized meditation

One of Aja’s passions is offering Yoga Nidra style guided meditations, where she also weaves in gentle breathwork and contemplations. She has been sharing in this way for the past decade and loves to create personalized meditations for her clients. Yoshua mixes and masters the recordings so they are top quality.

Email Aja to book a session at aja@ajarose.love